Our aspiration is to become the fungi of the urban realm!

Why Myco?

The word “myco” comes from the latin word for “mushroom, fungus”.

At first glance, the link between mushrooms, urbanism and placemaking may seem strange, but there are many parallels between the principles of placemaking and the role fungus plays in the natural world.

The mushroom may seem on the surface to be an insignificant, odd little thing, overshadowed by the towering trees of the forest. But what happens beneath the ground is awe-inspiring.

The mycelium, or roots of the fungus, connect individual plants together, creating forest systems known as mycorrhizal networks. Through these networks, plants mutually exchange information and resources, allowing ecosystems to flourish.

Fungi also represent rebirth, rejuvenation and regeneration of the natural world, creating a closed loop system by decomposing organic matter and returning nutrients to the cycle.

At Studio Myco, we’re trying to emulate these processes, connecting and revitalising urban environments through regenerative placemaking and co-design.