What if Wexford town was locally and internationally renowned for its rich, accessible built and natural heritage & cultural vibrancy?
Wexford Town
Heritage-Led Regeneration Plan
Wexford County Council
August 2022 - January 2023
Working with Wexford County Council, we created a heritage-led regeneration plan for Wexford Town - the first of its kind.
The purpose of this project was to harness the opportunity of developing the historic cultural and heritage spine of Wexford Town, and make Wexford a better town to live in, work in and visit, through:
Improving connectivity and visibility between the heritage assets and other key places and features throughout the town.
Inspiring short-term to longer term interventions to improve the appreciation, protection and revitalization of Wexford’s heritage and urban environment for both residents and visitors.
Proposing a range of opportunity sites and creative interventions that align to policy objectives, strategic goals and funding opportunities, particularly for capital grants.
Bringing local people, particularly from the cultural and creative sectors, together around shared ambitions and opportunities for the preservation and new-life of Wexford's unique identity and heritage assets, and the local and regional benefits this can deliver.
Work completed whilst employed by Urban Scale Interventions.